A Few Announcements

Hearts Desire Press, the publisher  I’ve worked with on most of releases, is closing down on July 15th. Because of this, I have a few announcements to make regarding my current and upcoming books.

- July 14th will be your last chance to purchase all three of the stories in the “For Dylan” series. Since I do not plan to write anymore erotic romances, I am not re-releasing these stories.

- I am re-releasing Drawn Together with some changes to the the novel. The current version will be available until July 14th, and I plan on making the new version available by the middle of August at the absolute latest. Check back for the official date.

- I’m currently working on the sequel to Drawn Together. This book will feature Callie and Ben. I’m very excited about this one, and I’ll post updates on my progress.

- Resurrecting Liza is my first urban fantasy romance. I finished writing it and am currently in the editing process. Getting Drawn Together ready to re-release is currently my first priority, but I hope this novella will be out shortly thereafter.

- InkSpell Publishing is releasing A Dream Come True, a contemporary romance novella, in the fall. It’s my first time working with this publisher, and so far things have been great!

I really enjoyed working with everyone at Hearts Desire Press and was sad to hear about the closing. I wish everyone there (authors, editors, etc) the best of luck in everything they do going forward.

With that said, I’m looking forward to getting a bunch of new books out before the end of the year. It’s going to take a fair amount of work, but it’s work I’m happy to do.